Enhance your TypeScript with Type Guards

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The world of JavaScript development has been transformed by TypeScript’s robust static typing abilities. Amidst its numerous attributes, type guards emerge as a potent instrument, enhancing the language’s type safety significantly. This article embarks on an exploration of Type guards in TypeScript, delving into their intricacies, utilization, and indispensable contribution to fortifying code integrity and eliminating errors.


Type guards in TypeScript are a set of techniques that allow developers to narrow down the type of a variable or expression within conditional blocks of code. They provide a way to perform runtime checks on the type of a value and refine the TypeScript type of that value accordingly.
Type guards are particularly useful when dealing with union types, where a variable can have multiple possible types. By using type guards, developers can make more precise assumptions about the actual type of a value at runtime, enabling better type inference and enhanced type safety.
Type guards can be implemented using various methods, such as checking for specific properties or using JavaScript runtime constructs like instanceof or typeof. These techniques help TypeScript’s type system understand the changes in the type of a variable after a successful type check.

Examples and Usages

Absolutely, let’s go through each of the examples and their explanations:
Typeof Type Guard:

function printLength(value: string | number): void {
if (typeof value === “string”) {
} else {
console.log(“Value is not a string”);

Explanation: In this example, typeof value === “string” acts as a type guard. If the type of value is narrowed down to “string” within the if block, TypeScript understands that the length property can be safely accessed.

Instanceof Type Guard:
class Dog {
bark() {

class Cat {
meow() {

function makeSound(animal: Dog | Cat): void {
if (animal instanceof Dog) {
} else if (animal instanceof Cat) {

Explanation: The instanceof operator is used as a type guard here. It narrows the type of animal to either Dog or Cat based on the condition. This allows TypeScript to determine which methods are accessible on the animal object.
Custom User-Defined Type Guard:

interface Circle {
kind: “circle”;
radius: number;

interface Square {
kind: “square”;
sideLength: number;

type Shape = Circle | Square;

function isCircle(shape: Shape): shape is Circle {
return shape.kind === “circle”;

function area(shape: Shape): number {
if (isCircle(shape)) {
return Math.PI * shape.radius ** 2;
} else {
return shape.sideLength ** 2;

Explanation: This demonstrates a custom user-defined type guard (isCircle). The type of shape is narrowed to Circle if isCircle returns true, which allows safe access to the radius property.
Key Existence Type Guard:

interface Person {
name: string;
age?: number;

function greet(person: Person): void {
console.log(`Hello, ${person.name}!`);
if (“age” in person) {
console.log(`You are ${person.age} years old.`);

Explanation: The in operator is used here as a type guard to check if the “age” property exists in the person object. If it does, TypeScript narrows the type of person to { name: string; age: number }.

Null and Undefined Type Guard:
function printLength(value: string | null): void {
if (value !== null) {
} else {
console.log(“Value is null”);

Explanation: By checking value !== null, TypeScript narrows down the type of value to exclude null, allowing safe access to the length property.
In all these examples, type guards enable TypeScript to intelligently narrow down the types of variables or expressions within conditional blocks, leading to more accurate type inference and safer coding practices.


In the TypeScript landscape, type guards serve as a pivotal tool that elevates the language’s static typing prowess. By refining variable types within conditional contexts, type guards fortify code integrity and clarity.
Through diverse examples, we’ve witnessed type guards empower decisions about data types at runtime. Whether through typeof, instanceof, or custom checks, each approach preemptively averts errors.
Type guards stand as a shield against runtime mishaps, fostering error-free development. They embody the synergy between developers and TypeScript, culminating in reliable, scalable code.
As you embrace type guards, you embark on a journey toward steadfast applications in the dynamic software realm.

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