MVP: The best Tech Stack

RMAG news

In todays blog post, I talk about the best tech stack for developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). It is a highly opinionated post based on my experience founding two startups and working with many more.

The focus of an MVP is to validate ideas with minimal effort and time. I emphasize using technologies that the development team is already familiar with to ensure rapid development and iteration. I discuss typical MVP team structures, ideal architectural choices like simple client-server models, and advise against complex architectures like microservices for MVPs.

Testing strategies should prioritize functional tests and employ a pragmatic approach. Cloud computing is recommended for deployment due to its scalability and cost-efficiency. Moving from MVP to a maintainable product involves strategies like rewriting, refactoring, or incremental replacement using patterns like Strangler Fig. The key takeaway is that the MVP phase is about speed and validation, setting the foundation for a more robust product later.

For more detailed insights, you can read the full post in German.

Disclaimer: This post was partly created with AI for summary and translation.

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