Isolated Storage and Enhanced Security in AI

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With increasing cyber threats, businesses need robust solutions to protect their data. Magic Cloud, a platform by AINIRO.IO, offers a unique approach to security that sets it apart from traditional multi-tenant systems. Here’s a detailed look at the advantages of Magic’s solutions, focusing on its isolated storage and enhanced security features.

1. Cloudlets: Isolated Storage for Each Client

Magic Cloud operates using “cloudlets,” which are essentially Kubernetes PODs built from Docker images. Unlike multi-tenant systems where resources and configurations are shared among clients, each Magic Cloud client has their own isolated environment. This includes:

Separate File Systems: Each client has a dedicated file system, ensuring no shared configurations.

Private Databases: Clients have their own private databases, eliminating the risk of data breaches from other clients.

This isolated storage model significantly enhances security by making it impossible for one client to access another client’s data. The deployment and management might be more complex, but the security benefits are substantial.

2. Enhanced Security Measures

Unique User Creation

When building Docker images, Magic creates a unique user for each process. This user has restricted write access, limited only to necessary files and folders. This approach makes it theoretically impossible for a security breach to corrupt the underlying operating system.

Automated Security Scans

Magic integrates automated tools like Snyk into its build process to scan Docker images for vulnerabilities. This proactive approach ensures that any potential security issues are identified and addressed promptly.

Secure Infrastructure

Magic’s core server infrastructure runs on Linux, with regular updates to avoid operating system-related security issues. Additionally, the platform uses a CDN network, encrypting data between the CDN and the Kubernetes controller plane. This setup prevents exposure of the physical IP address of the Kubernetes cluster, adding another layer of security.

3. Secure Database Management

Magic’s core database is SQLite-based and not exposed to the internet. It is accessible only from within the cloudlet’s file system, eliminating the risk of unauthorized access. The platform uses BlowFish slow hashing with per-record salts for password storage, making it mathematically impossible to reverse-engineer passwords.

SQL Injection Prevention

By using SQL parameters, Magic effectively eliminates the risk of SQL injection attacks, ensuring that the database remains secure from such threats.

4. Rigorous Code Analysis and Testing

Magic employs static code analysis and unit testing to identify and mitigate security issues. With over 1,000 unit tests and more than 98% test coverage, Magic outperforms the industry standard of 80%. This rigorous testing ensures that the codebase remains secure and maintainable.

Cognitive Complexity Management

Magic ensures that no single method exceeds the maximum threshold for cognitive complexity, reducing the risk of security issues arising from misunderstood code.

5. Regular Library Updates

Magic keeps all third-party libraries up-to-date, leveraging GitHub’s security warnings to apply necessary updates. The platform is conservative in its use of third-party libraries, ensuring that only high-quality, secure libraries are integrated.

Use of .Net Framework

Magic uses the latest stable release of .Net, eliminating common security issues like buffer overflow or buffer overrun. This choice further enhances the platform’s security.


Magic Cloud’s approach to security, with its isolated storage and robust security measures, makes it one of the most secure platforms available. By avoiding multi-tenant pitfalls and implementing rigorous security protocols, Magic ensures that client data remains safe and secure. For businesses seeking a secure AI solution, Magic Cloud offers unparalleled protection and peace of mind.

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