Interview with Simon Hyll, a Tauri Maintainer

RMAG news

Welcome to the second episode of our new series “Tauri Maintainers”, where we chat with Tauri maintainers.

In this episode, Eleftheria discusses with Simon Hyll:

How he started

Time management between a full-time job and contributing to Tauri

Decision-making process in Tauri

How to start contributing to any open-source

And more!

Check out the video:

Find Out More 🔗

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Have you built something cool with Tauri? Ping Eleftheria (username: eleftheria_b) on Discord to schedule your interview! This is your chance to demonstrate your product to a community of thousands of developers. 😏

Author: @eleftheriabatsou, community manager at @crabnebuladev

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