David Duchovny: ‘I’m not just throwing on a kilt willy-nilly’

David Duchovny: ‘I’m not just throwing on a kilt willy-nilly’

The actor and musician answers your questions on Twin Peaks, that song by Catatonia and the importance of failure

Is it true that you were completely broke and willing to give up acting when the offer for The X-Files turned up? feirefitz
No. I was pretty broke all along. I wasn’t raised with money. I was doing odd jobs, catering, bartending. I did a few commercials. I had acted in four or five movies and also Twin Peaks. I wasn’t rolling in dough, but I wasn’t broke.

What was it like working with the St Bernard in Beethoven? MrNiceGuy
I don’t really remember the actual dog because I worked with a puppet. This was 1992 so there wasn’t much CGI going on. Most of the effects in movies were practical. The Beethoven dog who moved his eyebrows and does all the things dogs can’t do was animatronic.

When you played Denise Bryson in Twin Peaks, did you have any idea that the show would become a cult classic? dafunk2
It’s extraordinary that David Lynch had a show like that on network television. The first year it was on the cover of Time and Newsweek. It was a huge cultural thing. My storyline didn’t exist until the second year, which was seen as a big disappointment by pretty much everybody. So the question should be: did I think I would be able to ruin Twin Peaks?

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