Memoization in Javascript Explained

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Code optimization is a critical aspect of web development and JavaScript offers various techniques to achieve this goal. One such powerful technique is memoization.

This article discusses the concept of memorization in JavaScript. We’ll explore its benefits, understand when it’s most effective, and equip you with various techniques to implement it in your code.
We’ll also provide practical examples to illustrate how memorization can boost the performance of your applications. Finally, we’ll discuss some considerations and best practices for using memorization effectively in your JavaScript projects.

Table of Contents

What is Memoization
Benefits of Memoization
When to Use Memoization
Techniques for Memoization in JavaScript
Practical Examples of Memoization
Considerations and Best Practices for Memoization

What is Memoization?

Memoization, in the context of programming, is an optimization strategy that enhances a function’s performance. It works by storing the results of previous function calls based on their inputs. When the function encounters the same inputs again, it retrieves the pre-computed result from this cache instead of re-executing the entire computation. This approach can significantly improve the speed of your JavaScript code, especially for functions that involve complex calculations or repetitive tasks.

Benefits of Memoization

Memoization in JavaScript offers several benefits, primarily focused on improving performance by caching expensive function results. Here are the key advantages:

Performance Optimization:

Memoization helps speed up function execution by storing the results of expensive function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur again. This avoids redundant computations.

function fibonacci(n) {

if (n <= 1) return n;

// Memoization logic

if (!fibonacci.cache) {

fibonacci.cache = {};


if (fibonacci.cache[n]) {

return fibonacci.cache[n];


fibonacci.cache[n] = fibonacci(n 1) + fibonacci(n 2);

return fibonacci.cache[n];


Reduction in Recalculation

Especially useful for recursive algorithms like factorial or Fibonacci sequence calculations, memoization ensures that previously computed results are reused, reducing unnecessary recalculations.

function factorial(n) {

if (n === 0 || n === 1) return 1;

if (!factorial.cache) {

factorial.cache = {};


if (factorial.cache[n]) {

return factorial.cache[n];


factorial.cache[n] = n * factorial(n 1);

return factorial.cache[n];


Simplicity and Readability

Once implemented, memoization can simplify code by separating the caching logic from the main function logic, making the function easier to understand and maintain.

const memoizedAdd = (function() {

const cache = {};

return function(x, y) {

const key = ${x},${y};

if (cache[key]) {

return cache[key];


const result = x + y;

cache[key] = result;

return result;



Space-Time Tradeoff

While memoization saves computation time, it trades off with increased space complexity due to storing cached results. However, this tradeoff is often worthwhile for significant performance gains.

When to Use Memoization

Memoization in JavaScript is particularly beneficial in scenarios where function calls are computationally expensive and frequently repeated with the same inputs. Here are specific situations where you should consider using memoization:

Recursive Functions

When implementing recursive algorithms such as calculating Fibonacci numbers, factorial, or traversing trees, memoization can drastically reduce the number of redundant function calls by caching previously computed results.

function fibonacci(n, memo = {}) {

if (n in memo) return memo[n];

if (n <= 1) return n;

memo[n] = fibonacci(n 1, memo) + fibonacci(n 2, memo);

return memo[n];


Functions with Expensive Computations

If your function involves heavy computations or database queries that result in the same output for identical inputs across multiple calls, memoization can save processing time by storing results in memory.

function fetchDataFromAPI(userId, cache = {}) {

if (userId in cache) {

return cache[userId];


const data = fetchDataFromExternalAPI(userId); // Expensive operation

cache[userId] = data;

return data;


Pure Functions

Memoization works best with pure functions, which always return the same output for the same inputs and have no side effects. This ensures the cached results remain consistent and predictable.

function pureFunction(x, y, cache = {}) {

const key = ${x},${y};

if (key in cache) {

return cache[key];


const result = / Some computation /;

cache[key] = result;

return result;


Dynamic Programming

When implementing dynamic programming algorithms where solutions to subproblems are reused multiple times, memoization helps in storing these subproblem solutions efficiently.

const memo = {};

function knapsack(capacity, weights, values, n) {

if (n === 0 || capacity === 0) return 0;

const key = ${n}${capacity};

if (memo[key]) return memo[key];

if (weights[n1] > capacity) {

return memo[key] = knapsack(capacity, weights, values, n1);

} else {

return memo[key] = Math.max(values[n1] + knapsack(capacity weights[n1], weights, values, n1),

knapsack(capacity, weights, values, n1));



Iterative Algorithms with Repeated Computations

Even in non-recursive scenarios, memoization can be applied to iterative algorithms where certain computations are repeated for the same inputs.

function iterativeAlgorithm(inputs, cache = {}) {

if (inputs in cache) {

return cache[inputs];


let result = / Some iterative computation /;

cache[inputs] = result;

return result;


Techniques for Memoization in JavaScript

Now that we understand what Memoization entails, here are some techniques for memoization in JavaScript:

Caching Functions

This technique is particularly useful for optimizing applications that involve repetitive computations or resource-intensive operations.

Simple Caching with Closures:

One of the straightforward ways to implement memoization is by using closures to maintain a cache within the function scope. Here’s how you can achieve it:

function memoizedFunction() {

const cache = {}; // Cache object to store results

return function(input) {

if (input in cache) {

return cache[input]; // Return cached result if available


// Compute result for new input

const result = / Some expensive computation /;

// Store result in cache

cache[input] = result;

return result;



const memoized = memoizedFunction();

// Usage

console.log(memoized(5)); // Computes and caches result for input 5

console.log(memoized(5)); // Returns cached result for input 5

Using the cache Object:

Another approach is to directly attach a cache object to the function itself, especially useful when you want to keep the cache separate from other variables:

function fibonacci(n) {

if (fibonacci.cache === undefined) {

fibonacci.cache = {};


if (n in fibonacci.cache) {

return fibonacci.cache[n];


if (n <= 1) {

return n;


fibonacci.cache[n] = fibonacci(n 1) + fibonacci(n 2);

return fibonacci.cache[n];


// Usage

console.log(fibonacci(6)); // Computes and caches results for fibonacci sequence up to 6

console.log(fibonacci(6)); // Returns cached result for fibonacci sequence up to 6

Using a Map Object

Using a Map object in JavaScript is a modern and efficient way to implement memoization, as Map allows any type of keys, including objects.

function memoizedFunction() {

const cache = new Map(); // Map object to store results

return function(input) {

if (cache.has(input)) {

return cache.get(input); // Return cached result if available


// Compute result for new input

const result = / Some expensive computation /;

// Store result in cache

cache.set(input, result);

return result;



const memoized = memoizedFunction();

// Usage

console.log(memoized(5)); // Computes and caches result for input 5

console.log(memoized(5)); // Returns cached result for input 5

Memoization with Decorators (Optional: Advanced)

Memoization can also be applied using decorators in JavaScript, which is an advanced technique typically used in functional programming or with libraries like lodash.

function memoize(fn) {

const cache = new Map();

return function(…args) {

const key = JSON.stringify(args);

if (cache.has(key)) {

return cache.get(key);


const result = fn.apply(this, args);

cache.set(key, result);

return result;



// Usage

const fibonacci = memoize(function(n) {

if (n <= 1) return n;

return fibonacci(n 1) + fibonacci(n 2);


console.log(fibonacci(6)); // Computes and caches results for fibonacci sequence up to 6

console.log(fibonacci(6)); // Returns cached result for fibonacci sequence up to 6

In this example, the memoize function wraps any function with memoization capability by storing results in a Map based on the function arguments (args). This technique is particularly powerful when you need to memoize any function dynamically.

Practical Examples of Memoization

Let’s discuss practical examples of memoization in JavaScript for both Fibonacci sequence calculation and expensive function calls like API requests:

Fibonacci Sequence Calculation

The Fibonacci sequence is a classic example where memoization can significantly improve performance, especially for larger numbers.

// Memoization function using closure

function fibonacci() {

const cache = {}; // Cache object to store computed results

return function(n) {

if (n in cache) {

return cache[n]; // Return cached result if available


if (n <= 1) {

return n;


// Compute result for new input

const result = fibonacci(n 1) + fibonacci(n 2);

// Store result in cache

cache[n] = result;

return result;



const memoizedFibonacci = fibonacci();

// Usage

console.log(memoizedFibonacci(6)); // Computes and caches results for fibonacci sequence up to 6

console.log(memoizedFibonacci(6)); // Returns cached result for fibonacci sequence up to 6

In this example, the fibonacci function uses memoization via closure to store previously computed Fibonacci numbers in the cache object. Subsequent calls to memoizedFibonacci with the same input retrieve the result from the cache, avoiding redundant calculations.

Expensive Function Calls (e.g., API Calls)

Memoization is also valuable for optimizing functions that make expensive API calls, ensuring that repeated calls with the same parameters retrieve data from cache rather than re-executing the API request.

// Example of an API fetching function with memoization

function fetchDataFromAPI(endpoint) {

const cache = {}; // Cache object to store fetched data

return async function() {

if (cache[endpoint]) {

return cache[endpoint]; // Return cached result if available


// Simulate API call

const response = await fetch(endpoint);

const data = await response.json();

// Store data in cache

cache[endpoint] = data;

return data;



const memoizedFetchData = fetchDataFromAPI(;

// Usage

memoizedFetchData().then(data => {

console.log(data); // Fetches data from API and caches it

return memoizedFetchData(); // Returns cached data from previous fetch

}).then(data => {

console.log(data); // Returns cached data again without fetching from API


In this example, fetchDataFromAPI memoizes the results of API requests using a closure and an object cache. Each unique endpoint parameter ensures that API responses are cached and reused, minimizing network requests and improving application performance.

Considerations and Best Practices for Memoization

Memoization in JavaScript can significantly improve performance, but there are important considerations and best practices to keep in mind to use it effectively:

When to Avoid Memoization

Non-Pure Functions: Memoization works best with pure functions, which always return the same output for the same inputs and have no side effects. If your function modifies external state or relies on global variables that can change, memoization may produce incorrect results.

High Memory Usage: Memoization involves storing results in memory, which can lead to increased memory usage for applications with large inputs or when caching many results. Be mindful of memory constraints and consider trade-offs between performance gains and memory consumption.

Dynamic Inputs: Functions with dynamic or constantly changing inputs might not benefit from memoization. If the inputs change frequently and unpredictably, caching results might become ineffective or lead to stale data.

Handling Changing Inputs and Invalidation

Immutable Inputs: Ensure that function inputs are immutable or do not change during the function execution. This ensures that the cached results remain valid for the given inputs.

Cache Invalidation: Implement mechanisms to invalidate or clear the memoization cache when necessary, especially if the underlying data or conditions change. This can be achieved by resetting or updating the cache based on certain triggers or events.

function clearCache() {

memoizedFunction.cache = {};


Time-based Expiration: For scenarios where data validity is time-sensitive (e.g., data fetched from an API that updates periodically), consider implementing expiration mechanisms to automatically clear cached results after a certain period.

Clearing the Memoization Cache

Sometimes, you may need to clear the memoization cache explicitly, especially in applications where inputs or conditions change over time. Here’s a simple example of how you can clear the cache:

function memoizedFunction(input) {

if (!memoizedFunction.cache) {

memoizedFunction.cache = {};


if (input in memoizedFunction.cache) {

return memoizedFunction.cache[input];


const result = / Some computation based on input /;

memoizedFunction.cache[input] = result;

return result;


// Example of clearing the cache

function clearCache() {

memoizedFunction.cache = {};



In Conclusion, memoization in JavaScript stands out as a powerful strategy for enhancing performance in computationally intensive applications. By caching the results of function calls based on their inputs, memoization avoids unnecessary recalculations.

That’s all for this article! If you’d like to continue the conversation or have questions, suggestions, or feedback, feel free to reach out to connect with me on LinkedIn. And if you enjoyed this content, consider buying me a coffee to support the creation of more developer-friendly contents.

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