# Comparative Analysis of Testing Management Tools: TeamCity

RMAG news

Teacher: Mag. Patrick Cuadros Quiroga

Member: Lupaca Mamani, Ronal Daniel


In today’s software development environment, ensuring the quality and functionality of applications is paramount. Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) tools play a crucial role in automating development and deployment processes. TeamCity, developed by JetBrains, is one of the most popular and widely adopted CI/CD tools in the industry. This article will explore TeamCity’s functionalities, showcasing how it can be effectively used for testing management and code comparison.


What is TeamCity?

TeamCity is a powerful CI/CD server designed to automate the build, test, and release processes, ensuring the smooth delivery of high-quality software. Since its initial release in 2006, TeamCity has become a favorite among developers for its robust features and user-friendly interface.

Key Features of TeamCity:

Extensibility: TeamCity supports a wide range of plugins, allowing integration with various tools and platforms.

Build Pipelines: It allows defining complex build pipelines, providing flexibility in automating workflows.

Scalability: TeamCity can handle projects of any size, from small startups to large enterprises.

Comprehensive VCS Integration: It integrates seamlessly with multiple version control systems, including Git, Subversion, and Mercurial.

Real-time Feedback: Provides immediate feedback on build status, helping teams to quickly identify and address issues.

Advantages of TeamCity:

Customizable Build Configurations: Its build configuration system is highly flexible, supporting various environments and platforms.

Strong Community Support: A vibrant community provides plugins, updates, and support.

Detailed Reporting: Offers extensive reporting features that help track the build process and quality metrics.

Disadvantages of TeamCity:

Resource Intensive: Requires substantial server resources to run efficiently.

Learning Curve: May be complex for new users to configure and manage.

Maintenance Overhead: Requires regular maintenance to manage updates and ensure security.

Managing Tests with TeamCity

TeamCity provides a robust environment for managing automated tests, from execution to result visualization. Here’s how TeamCity can be used effectively in a real-world scenario:

Configuration of Projects and Builds:

Creating a Project: When starting a new project in TeamCity, you can define specific build configurations for different environments, which allows you to tailor your CI/CD pipeline to meet project-specific needs.

Build Steps: Add build steps that include running unit, integration, and functional tests. Tools like JUnit, NUnit, or TestNG can be easily integrated into TeamCity’s build process.

Integration with Testing Tools:

JUnit: TeamCity can execute JUnit tests as part of your CI/CD pipeline, collecting and presenting results in its interface for easy review.

Selenium: Integrate Selenium for automated functional testing. TeamCity can run these tests across various browsers, reporting results in real-time.

Reporting Results:

Dashboards and Test Views: Test results are displayed on detailed dashboards, including graphs and statistics that help visualize the state and quality of the code efficiently.

Notifications: Configure notifications in TeamCity to alert developers of test failures, ensuring a quick and proactive response to identified issues.

Code Comparison in TeamCity

Code comparison is essential to maintain software quality and consistency. TeamCity offers advanced functionalities to facilitate this process:

Integration with Version Control Systems (VCS):

Git, Mercurial, Subversion: TeamCity integrates seamlessly with popular version control systems, allowing code comparison and merging directly from its interface.

Branching and Merging: TeamCity supports advanced branching and merging strategies, helping teams manage and review code changes efficiently. This is particularly useful in large projects with multiple developers working in parallel.

Code Inspection:

Static Code Analysis: Integrating static code analysis tools in TeamCity helps identify potential issues in the code before they reach production. This includes error detection, coding best practices, and security issues.

Pull Requests: Configure builds to run automatically when a pull request is created, ensuring all proposed changes are validated before merging. TeamCity’s code review functionalities allow comparison of changes and ensure quality before final integration.

Real-World Example

Below is a practical example of a TeamCity pipeline for managing tests and performing code comparisons. This pipeline sets up the environment, runs tests, simulates a code review, and archives the results.

Example Pipeline

Setting Up JDK and Running Unit Tests with JUnit

This pipeline sets up the environment with JDK 17, runs unit tests using JUnit, and archives the test results.

Environment Setup and Unit Tests:

project {
name = “Example Project”

buildType {
name = “Build and Test”

vcs {

steps {
script {
name = “Setup JDK”
scriptContent = “””
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
java -version

script {
name = “Run Unit Tests”
scriptContent = “””
./gradlew test


features {
junit {
includePattern = “**/build/test-results/test/*.xml”


Environment Setup: Configures JDK 17 in the TeamCity environment.
Running Unit Tests: Executes unit tests using Gradle.
Reporting Results: Configures TeamCity to collect and display JUnit test results.
Simulating Test Results and Archiving Results:

project {
name = “Example Project”

buildType {
name = “Build and Test”

vcs {

steps {
script {
name = “Setup JDK”
scriptContent = “””
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-17-openjdk
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
java -version

script {
name = “Run Unit Tests”
scriptContent = “””
./gradlew test

script {
name = “Simulate Test Results”
scriptContent = “””
echo “Test Results: All tests passed!” > test-results.txt
tar -czf test-results.tar.gz test-results.txt


artifacts {
artifactRules = “test-results.tar.gz”

features {
junit {
includePattern = “**/build/test-results/test/*.xml”


Simulating Test Results: Creates a file with the test results and compresses it.
Archiving Results: Configures TeamCity to archive the test results.


TeamCity is a powerful and versatile tool that not only facilitates continuous integration and delivery but also provides essential functionalities for test management and code comparison. Its ability to integrate with version control systems and testing tools makes it an ideal choice for development teams aiming to maintain high standards of quality and efficiency in their projects.

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