A Simple Instagram Tracking Script Written in Python

A Simple Instagram Tracking Script Written in Python

python3 main.py -h
usage: Instagram Tracker [-h] -u USERNAME

📸 an Instagram tracker that logs any changes to an Instagram account
(followers, following, posts, and bio)

-h, –help show this help message and exit
The username of the account to track

🤝 Contribute: https://github.com/ibnaleem/instatracker

You must login to your Instagram account in order to properly scrape someone else’s Instagram account. This is due to Instagram blocking HTTPS GET requests from unauthenticated cookies. Your login information is never stored. See more here and here.

You can always create/use an alt-account for the login.


Install Python if you don’t have it already

Clone this repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/ibnaleem/instatracker.git

Install dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Set user & passwd field on line 56

self.bot.login(user=YOUR INSTAGRAM USERNAME, passwd=YOUR INSTAGRAM PASSWORD) # this allows us to access & scrape Instagram.

Run the script

$ python3 main.py -u USERNAME

Automated Logging

InstaTracker not only displays all modifications an Instagram account makes directly to the terminal (e.g., USERNAME has unfollowed 1 person), but it also records these changes in a text file, including the date and time.

——2024-06-30 01:01:13.659694+00:00——
johndoe has 100
johndoe is following 100 people
johndoe has 0 posts
johndoe has the following bio: this is my biography
——2024-06-31 02:03:15.761715+00:00——
johndoe has lost 2 followers (100 followers –> 98 followers)
——2024-06-31 05:03:15.761715+00:00——
johndoe has gained 5 followers (98 followers –> 103 followers)

This script checks for any changes every 5 minutes because Instagram’s firewall starts blocking requests that are sent too quickly. You can manually update this here, but do not be surprised if the script stops working.

Built With



This repository is under the MIT License

Created By

Ibn Aleem

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