?? vs || in JavaScript: The little-known difference

?? vs || in JavaScript: The little-known difference

At first glance, it might seem like you can interchange ?? (Nullish Coalescing Operator) and || (Logical OR) in JavaScript. However, they are fundamentally different in how they handle truthy and falsy values.

Falsy Values in JavaScript

Falsy values become false in a Boolean context:

” (empty string)**

Truthy Values

Everything else.

The Difference Explained

|| (Logical OR): Returns the first truthy value. If the first operand is falsy, it returns the second operand.

let x = 0 || “default”; // “default”

Here, 0 is falsy, so “default” is returned.

?? (Nullish Coalescing): Returns the right-hand operand if the left-hand operand is null or undefined. It ignores other falsy values.

let x = 0 ?? “default”; // 0

Here, 0 is not null or undefined, so 0 is returned.

Use Cases

Use || when you want to provide a fallback for any falsy value.
Use ?? when you only want to provide a fallback for null or undefined.

Understanding this difference helps avoid bugs and ensures your code behaves as expected.

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