Experience: I survived a plane crash without a scratch

Experience: I survived a plane crash without a scratch

I didn’t hear the others screaming. I felt as if I was in a bubble

One weekend in June two years ago, my friends Le’Annka, Nia and I were set to fly from Nassau, the capital of The Bahamas, to Long Island, just over 200 miles away. But our reservation got cancelled. We rebooked – that was also cancelled. We then chose to charter a plane. I was apprehensive – those planes are small. But Le’Annka read positive reviews of the pilot, so we decided to take a chance.

The weather that morning was perfect. My friends and I were excited. I was struck by how small the plane was. It was a seven-seater; we all sat up close to one another. But there was nothing to worry about: we were in the air and smoothly making our way over. In no time, we were soaking up the sun.

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