Tate Brothers Stay Under Judicial Control, Can Leave for EU Country

Tate Brothers Stay Under Judicial Control, Can Leave for EU Country

The Court of Appeal decided on Tuesday to maintain the preventive measure of judicial control over the defendants Tate Tristan, Tate III Emory Andrew, Nanghel Georgiana Manuela, Radu Luana Alexandra, but not for more than 60 days. The Tate brothers will now be able to leave the territory of Romania, but not the EU.

“Based on art. 207 C.proc.pen., maintains the measure of judicial control against the defendants TATE III EMORY ANDREW, TATE TRISTAN, NAGHEL GEORGIANA-MANUELA And RADU ALEXANDRA-LUANA, until a new verification of the preventive measure but no later than 60 days. Based on art. 2081 C.p.p. rap to art 215 para. 1,2, 8 and 9 C.p.p. orders the replacement of the defendants TATE III EMORY ANDREW and TATE TRISTAN’s obligation not to leave the territory of Romania with the defendants’ obligation not to leave the territorial limit of the European Union, except with the prior approval of the judge of the preliminary chamber or the court,” says the court ruling.
The Tate brothers, Tristan and Andrew, alongside the two accomplices were sent to court in June 2023 for constituting an organized criminal group with a view to committing the crime of drug trafficking on the territory of Romania, but also of other countries, such as the United States of America and Great Britain people.
The prosecutors carried out investigations regarding the involvement of the four in committing the crimes of constituting an organized criminal group, human trafficking in a continuous form (in relation to each individual defendant, four material acts, three material acts, six material acts and, respectively, five material acts relative to the number of injured persons), continued rape (two material acts), illegal access to computer system, alteration of the integrity of computer data, instigation to hit or other violence and hitting or other violence. DIICOT specified that the criminal group would have been established at the beginning of 2021, the purpose being the trafficking of people on the territory of Romania, but also of other countries.

The post Tate Brothers Stay Under Judicial Control, Can Leave for EU Country appeared first on The Romania Journal.

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