I think the web is broken, or i am

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Huhhm… (a sigh of lost hope)

The world of a quiche eater isn’t openly documented, well here is everything looming in my mind at-least just about how
i think ui dev should be.

Here is the backstory :

I started my development journey by building android apps using DroidScript (a javascript framework), the issue is it’s not cross-platform.

NOTE : I refer to the native way of building ui.

The native way looks something like this:

function OnStart(){
let main = app.CreateLayout(linear,fillxy)

let btn = app.AddButton(main, A simple Button, 0.8, 1)


I’ve gotten so used to building ui this way it seems correct,
I feel at peace, I feel at home.

I have built direct copies of popular design schemes for DroidScript using the native android ui api’s provided like Material Design 3.

I find my-self having to compromise I hate the thought of typing so much HTML and CSS to get something i feel proud of, the switching between these too is annoying.

Well, you could say why not learn a framework like React or Vue.

They all have that xml syntax and i don’t like it, while i love web components they make me hate the xml syntax so much more…
now i have to add a f*** dash.

I have tried a multitude of frameworks,

I did React and i love the way i can call functions and build ui, i just don’t feel well with React Query and how much i have to learn and things don’t come pre-built. I hate thinking about a which state management solution.

I did bits of Vue to be honest i did like it, but i feel so much away from the development i like, keep in mind i hate xml syntax so as Vue is catching strays Svelte isn’t safe too.

I did Solid online though, yeah i think I’m fine.

Before this, i did install Next.js i might give it a try looks fire, but i may have to swallow the hard pill this time.

Okay but what have i done since i dread xml syntax

I made my own framework i called it SquidBASE.js and i didn’t go through with my promises, deleted it and gave up.

The hate boiled up again,
I tried a different approach, i built innerscope.js and it flopped i just
couldn’t get it to align with what i want.

I previously even made an article about innerscope.js bashing how frameworks are getting it all wrong, i won’t delete it though >3.
Now i am on my third attempt viewml.js
The motivation i will succeed is low, the development of it is a major
blow to my ego, i hate having to ask that dreaded LLM for help.
I’m just copying i want to be that 10X developer, but everything feels so hard.

Anyway my plan is I’m not going to copy exactly how DroidScript operates, but i have figured out why it felt so good its the separation of concerns, lets you write ui, and up-to good ui without involving css nor html.

Now look I’m not that bad of a quiche eater, CSS is great so i decided to call everything from the js side, embed element focused styles onto that element using a css-in-js way.

Here is the hierarchy of the project :

/* As a class glazer, Application class
is the top level and we have an onStart function to be the start*/

class Application {
let main = vml.addLayout(main, linear, vertical);

let bannerdiv = vml.addHtmlEl(main, div,center,vertical);
/* With Any Div, or Element, its children can be aligned
* a certain way thats why we got the center, certical options
* now you dont have to add the css for that, and call from
* a function

let banner = vml.addHtmlEl(bannerdiv, h1);
banner.textContent = The framework for staying in the flow;
banner.id = banner
letter-spacing: 0.5px;
margin-top: 15px;
font-family: “Inter”, sans-serif;
font-wight: 700;
font-size: 48px;
color: #213547;
text-align: center;
overflow-wrap : break-word;

I can’t demonstrate this well, in a blog post but i’d advise you check the App.js code in the github : viewml App.js File

Now all of this takes me in all different places.

I feel like i have got everything mixed up, sometimes i think maybe it’s not for me, or its just that maybe I’m the issue, the world loves that
xml syntax and i haven’t found someone who shares these thoughts.

Also with job concerns this even takes me on a scare loop, will i find a job or this will be a hobby that cannot elevate me because i don’t want to fit in the world that exists and the way it works.

Or i am overthinking advise me.

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