My generation can barely recall the last time Labour was in power. We need to believe things really can get better | Isabel Brooks

My generation can barely recall the last time Labour was in power. We need to believe things really can get better | Isabel Brooks

Young people are desperate to see how activism on climate, Palestine and the economy translates into policy

I often struggle to see the point of politics. I’d even go so far as to say I hate it. When mentioning this to a friend, she reminds me that when we were nine, I would loudly proclaim across the primary school cafeteria that I was “very passionate about Gordon Brown”! Labour is in power for the first time since I was 10 years old, but I hardly feel thrilled. In fact, I don’t feel engaged at all. Whatever fervour Gordon Brown inflamed in my nine-year-old heart has been snuffed out over the last 14 years.

I am not the only one to lose faith. Among my friends there was a lot of apathy towards the election. My “snowflake” generation is often accused in the media of being a “woke brigade” that cares too much about appearances and trends, with little interest in formal politics. We are seen as suffering from a lack of knowledge or gumption, inept in our methods, participating only by reposting infographics.

Isabel Brooks is a freelance writer

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