The moment I knew: we could barely make eye contact because of the chemistry radiating between us

The moment I knew: we could barely make eye contact because of the chemistry radiating between us

Classical pianist Simon Tedeschi established an online rapport with artist Loribelle Spirovski. But could it transcend an awkward start and a social faux pas?

Find more stories from The moment I knew series here

Concert pianists like me generally don’t work that well with others. We practise alone and most of the time perform alone. When you spend that much time in your own company you get quite sensitive to criticism. I am a very impatient person, obsess over tiny things and tend towards melancholia.

All this made pairing up all the trickier. I didn’t just want to “be” with someone. I sought in a relationship what I sought in art: I wanted something that made me transcend my daily concerns. I wanted someone who made me better than I am.

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