I’m hoping my son, aged five, has the makings of a political commentator

I’m hoping my son, aged five, has the makings of a political commentator

We’ve tried to instil values, but he has no awareness of the political system – does that matter?

Sometimes I think it would be handy to have a child who says politically astute things that I could share around election time. That’d be a nice little earner.

I could just lie, of course, in the manner of those people who post things like ‘Polly (3) just said proportional representation would have solved all our problems had it not been so closely tied to the Liberal Democrats during a period of particular unpopularity, rendering the issue moribund ever since!’ or ‘Just overheard Hugo telling another child in nursery that Sunak’s pledges to add 20,000 more apprenticeships are all well and good, but they don’t provide enough incentives for small-to-medium businesses to comply. #FromTheMouthsOfBabes’.

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