How do we measure team performance

How do we measure team performance

The ancient question of all managers: how to measure team performance?

What if today, we’ll take a look from a different perspective? Let’s assume that you are working with talented people who are oriented toward delivering products of higher quality. What can become an ancestral stone in this case?

Software Development Wastes

Pay attention at:
⚡️ Are we building a feature that brings maximum value to our customers?
⚡️ Is our backlog well-maintained and prioritised? Are all stories/bugs/tasks well-defined?
⚡️ Should we sacrifice code quality in this particular case and produce tech debt, or should we spend slightly more time and effort on a solution that will not require rework?
⚡️ A project at work is not a programming Olympiad. The code should be readable in the first place. Always remember: We write code once and read it many times.
⚡️ Think twice before pushing the team too hard to eliminate psychological distress. The happiest teams work with higher performance
⚡️Benefit future you – write a documentation! And inspire the team to do the same
⚡️ Check where you have slow processes. How quick is the code review? How fast are automated tests? Where does your team have the most extended wait times? Try to detect and fight with bottlenecks
⚡️ Improve communication. It’s never enough to stop working on team interactions. Try asynchronous communication, and AI features as meeting transcripts for the regular meeting

Share in the comments your examples to wipe out software development wastes🤓

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