Accountants’ protest against the tax legislation, they demand the elimination of e-VAT

Accountants’ protest against the tax legislation, they demand the elimination of e-VAT

Accountants, economists and entrepreneurs are organizing a protest in Bucharest today to draw attention to what they call “fiscal terror” and the measures adopted by the government without public consultation, but which have a major impact on the whole society.

The rally, entitled “No chaos in the fiscal legislation”, will take place between 08:30 and 13:00, and the protesters will march from Victoriei Square.

The protesters from Piața Victoriei started marching on Calea Victoriei, towards ANAF and the Ministry of Finance, they want to have discussions with Finance Minister Marcel Boloș.

The “No chaos in tax legislation” protest, initiated by accountants, experts, economists and entrepreneurs, spread on social networks, but gathered the support of several organizations of specialists.

“In a country where the business environment should be supported and encouraged, we are witnessing an alarming reality: the lack of transparency and poor communication of state institutions, which seem to adopt measures secretly, at night, without consultation and without taking into account of the devastating impact they have on taxpayers and businesses. This is the context in which we find ourselves today, a context in which legislative chaos and fiscal terror are becoming the norm”, the representatives of the Employer Union of Accounting Entrepreneurs from Romania (PACR) sent in a press release.

According to them, “the recent publication of GEO 69/2024 and GEO 70/2024 without any public consultation and their approval in just two days represents only the tip of the iceberg. These ordinances, which include measures such as e-VAT and e-Invoice, are not only examples of poorly implemented digitization, but also manifestations of a system that completely ignores the principles of democracy and social dialogue. It is revolting how an organic law can be modified through a GEO, without consultation, without transparency and without respect”. The organizers of the protest also initiated a petition, entitled “No chaos in the fiscal legislation! We want predictability!”.

It has already been signed by over 55,000 people.

Protesters’ claims

1. Eliminating e-VAT – Tax evasion is not in the accounting reports nor in ANAF e-mails ! Tax evasion is where there is nothing, and the competent authorities should already know!

2. Eliminating the obligation to submit B2C invoices in the e-Invoice system – It is an attack on the privacy of natural persons, an illegal and unjustified processing of personal data.

3. Eliminating the change of cash registers for QR Code – It is not normal that after all cash registers have been changed with public money, we change them again without tax deductions!

4. The return to the Prevention Law – The previous version of the law 296/2023. We cannot do business under constant pressure, without guidance and warning.

5. We want predictability – According to article 4 of the Fiscal Code, any change must be made at least 6 months before it enters into force, especially when we are talking about changes in taxes and new obligations.

6. Respect for social dialogue and decision-making transparency – The projects for GEO 69 and GEO 70 spent only two days in decision-making transparency and were approved without public debate, with a negative opinion from the CES.

7. Elimination of redundant declarations – From January 1, 2025, all taxpayers are obliged to report SAF-T, which contains all economic transactions of a company.

8. Modification of deadlines for notifications in relation to ANAF – The taxpayer has strict deadlines, while ANAF has a response deadline of 45 days.

9. Compensation of medical leaves with social contributions – We can no longer borrow from the state for years and pay health care for medical leaves!

10. Clear rules for RO-e-Transport

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