British singer Rita Ora joins Timișoara’s City Celebration in August

British singer Rita Ora joins Timișoara’s City Celebration in August

Famous British singer Rita Ora will perform in Timișoara, western Romania, during the City Celebration, an event that is part of the legacy of the Timişoara European Capital of Culture 2023 Program. Passenger and Zdob si Zdub will also go on stage, according to

Rita Ora’s concert will take place in the city’s Civic Park on August 17.

The City Celebration will be held from August 16 to 18, bringing together local event creators and producers. The organizers are preparing more than 100 cultural, sports, and community events for all ages, which will be hosted by the Civic Park and the I. C. Brătianu boulevard.

Further details are available here.

(Photo source: Facebook/Centrul de Proiecte Timișoara)

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