Paul of Romania Released on Bail in Malta, Placed Under Judicial Control

Paul of Romania Released on Bail in Malta, Placed Under Judicial Control

The Ministry of Justice announces, on Monday, that the court in Malta ordered the measure of judicial control against Paul-Philippe of Romania and his release, on bail, after he spent more than 2 months in custody.

Until a final decision is made regarding his surrender, he will go to the police station twice a day to sign his presence and will not be able to leave Malta.

“The court in Malta ordered against Paul-Philippe of Romania the measure of judicial control and his release, on bail, after he was in custody for more than 2 months. Until a final decision is made regarding his surrender, he will go to the police station twice a day to sign his presence. He will not be able to leave Malta because his passport and any identity documents are withheld by the court”, announced the Ministry of Justice.

Moreover, he must pay a bail of 20,000 euros, as well as a personal guarantee of 30,000 euros.

“The decision was justified by his advanced age and by the fact that, according to Maltese legislation, in such cases, the term of preventive detention is a maximum of 60 days”, states the ministry.

According to the Ministry of Justice, “on June 25, the court of first instance in Malta decided to extradite Paul-Philippe to Romania”.

“The decision is not final. The judiciary in Romania will continue to do its job as well as possible to bring the fugitives of the Romanian state to the country, regardless of how famous their names are”, the institution says.

Recently, the Court of Justice of the European Union admitted the request to debate in an emergency procedure the preliminary questions with which it was referred by the Braşov Court of Appeal in the case of Prince Paul.

And the opinion of the European Commission was in agreement with that of the Romanian state. The EC said that a member state cannot refuse to execute a European arrest warrant only for alleged irregularities in the swearing-in of the judges who decided the conviction.

Paul de Romania was prosecuted in December 2020 after he fled Romania before being definitively sentenced by the Supreme Court to 3 years and 4 months in prison in the case of the illegal land retrocession of the Royal Farm in Băneasa.

In the first instance, he received 3 years suspended. After the sentencing decision, the police went to the home of Paul al Romania, in the center of the Capital, to take him to the penitentiary, but they did not find him at home.

Since then, he was wanted internationally and wanted by the Romanian Police. On June 27, 2022, he was caught on the street in Paris, and during the checks he presented a passport issued by the British authorities. In September, he was released from prison by a decision of the Paris Court of Appeal, being placed under judicial control.

The accusations refer to corruption crimes committed between 2006 and 2013, for the acquisition of assets of great value, including the Snagov Forest and the Băneasa Royal Farm, wrongfully claimed by Paul de Romania. The damage in this case exceeds 145 million euros, 135 million euros representing only the value of the lands of the former royal farm in Băneasa, and 10 million euros, the Fundu Sacului forest in Snagov.

On May 18, 2016, Remus Truică, Paul Philippe of Romania, Dan Andronic, as well as businessmen Tal Silberstein, Benyamin Steinmetz and Moshe Agavi were sent to court by the DNA in the case regarding the illegal retrocession of the Royal Băneasa Farm and the Snagov forest.

According to DNA, Paul Philippe of Romania bought the influence that Truică had over various officials from the public institutions that owned the two properties. Truică presented the “deal” of financially powerful people, with whom he associated, in order to get involved in criminal proceedings, the only way to obtain real estate that Paul of Romania illegally claimed.

The post Paul of Romania Released on Bail in Malta, Placed Under Judicial Control appeared first on The Romania Journal.

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