Day 986 : Desire

Day 986 : Desire

liner notes:

Saturday : Did the radio show. Had a good time as usual. Did a little coding after the show and watched some anime. The recording of this week’s show is at

Sunday : Did my study sessions at In addition to the normal tasks, I cut my hair and launched . Ended the night watching “Demon Slayer”.

Professional : Pretty good start of the work week. Met with my manager and got to demo an application I created last week to test out a new feature. Responded to some community questions. Continued work on a refactor of an application to use a new SDK.

Personal : Glad to be able to have out. I’m already thinking of other projects I want to add to it. It’ll give me a chance to go back and clean up some projects. But that will be after I get this other project that I’ve been working on previously.

Going to go through some tracks for the radio show, work on my next side project and watch some anime. I’m almost caught up on “Demon Slayer” and there’s a couple more I want to start. Pretty simple plan. It’s been super hot so my desire is to not exert myself too much.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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