Dodge the vomiting cake! How TV baking went from twee to terrifying

Dodge the vomiting cake! How TV baking went from twee to terrifying

Killer Cakes is the latest wild twist in the world of cake TV – and with its blood-oozing puddings and edible mutilated pig men, it’s so shocking it makes the Saw films look tame. What would Paul Hollywood think?

Look how far we’ve come. Just 14 short years ago, The Great British Bake Off burst on to the scene, proving once and for all that televised baking contests weren’t the tedious, niche ordeals the industry previously thought. How much did the concept catch on? Well, I just watched a show where a cake opened its mouth and deliberately vomited coconut sauce all over a screaming judge, so the answer seems to be “quite well, thanks”.

The show in question is Killer Cakes, a Prime Video baking show hosted by Scream’s Matthew Lillard, in which contestants are tasked with producing cakes that make the trials in the Saw franchise look tame. There are cakes that ooze blood. There are cakes that wriggle and lurch. One cake – and I hope this doesn’t count as a spoiler – takes the form of a mutated pig man being sliced through the navel by a moving circular saw. You have to wonder what Paul Hollywood would make of it all.

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