Official Trailer for ‘Feather Christmas’ Comedy Featuring a Pet Chicken

Official Trailer for ‘Feather Christmas’ Comedy Featuring a Pet Chicken

“Life’s too short to not chase the things you love.” Gravitas & Kaleidoscope Film have revealed the official trailer for a sweet Christmas romantic comedy called Feather Christmas, from filmmaker Lucy Turner. When an ailing pet chicken arrives at Martin’s animal sanctuary over the holidays, his family’s festive plans are turned upside down. A charming holiday comedy from the UK about how one little chicken (a live one!) can change everything. “Love spreads its wings.” Starring Tom Machell, Ocean M. Harris, Sarah Jane Duncan, Jacob B. Butler, and Lexi-Rae Billington. The director on IG: “I had the absolute pleasure of directing my first feature film. What an honour it was to work alongside an insanely talented cast and crew. Each person on this set brought incomprehensible amounts of joy and laughter, and honestly I cannot thank you all enough.” Have a look at a tiny bit of amusing footage below – before the film hits VOD later this fall. // Continue Reading ›

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