A new start after 60: I went to art school at 66 – and now I’ve sold hundreds of paintings

A new start after 60: I went to art school at 66 – and now I’ve sold hundreds of paintings

Carol Douglas wanted to study art as a teenager, but her parents didn’t see the point and she spent decades regretting what might have been. She now has an exhibition at Yorkshire Sculpture Park

In 2017, when Carol Douglas got the news she would be going to art school aged 66, she couldn’t have been happier. “I felt I had been given the biggest gift on the planet,” she says.

Throughout her adult life, Douglas had regretted giving up art at school when she was 16. “Art is for Saturday mornings,” her parents told her, and she listened, dropping the subject for Latin and then pursuing a sociology degree. “Ever since then, I had a general underlying feeling that I hadn’t done something I should have done and I never would,” she says.

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