Tracey Schroeder, Assembly District 46 candidate, 2024 election questionnaire

Tracey Schroeder, Assembly District 46 candidate, 2024 election questionnaire

Ahead of the November general election, the Southern California News Group compiled a list of questions to pose to the candidates who wish to represent you. You can find the full questionnaire below. Questionnaires may have been edited for spelling, grammar, length and, in some instances, to remove hate speech and offensive language.

MORE: Read all the candidate responses in our Voter Guide

Name: Tracey Schroeder

Current job title: Teacher

Political party affiliation: Republican

Incumbent: No

Other political positions held: National Education Association, RA; House of Representatives, United Teachers of Los Angeles

City where you reside: Los Angeles

Campaign website or social media:

It’s no secret that California will play an outsized role in AI development and regulation. That was a big topic for the legislature this year, but what is one way you’d like to see the legislature tackle concerns about bias or transparency in the AI space or encourage innovation and start-ups? (Please be specific in your response, and keep your answer to 200 words or less.)

Artificial Intelligence is an innovative tool which can and will have a vital role goingforward in our society. Like many advancements in technology with the benefits, come valid concerns and challenges. It is important to the current industries being impacted in a negative manner, but also to the future development of AI itself, that we include mitigation and resolution of the unintended consequences and abuses which can arise out of its use.The protection of intellectual property and copyrights in Industries which rely heavilyon those protections must be considered going forward as well as looking back to seeand adjust the fields and industries which have already been impacted in a negativemanner. Examples of the misuse include the unauthorized use of images, voices, and writings.

Before California voters this year is a proposition to increase the state’s minimum wage to $18 per hour, the nation’s highest, by 2026. Do you support increasing the minimum wage in this way? Why or why not? (Please keep your answer to 150 words or less.)

My position on this issue is based on observing the current and past pilot projects in which selected industries have been forced to raise the minimum wage for their employees.As we see in the food service industry or hotel industry around the Los Angeles Airport, a blanket raise in the minimum wage without any concern on the snowball impact on other cost of business directly connected to the gross payroll amount, is not only bad for business but has a negative impact on the employee. As the cost of insurance and other expenses tied to the gross payroll increase, there must be policies and or practices which allow for the employer to offset these increases.

This year, California faced a large budget deficit that put a strain on lawmakers’ ability to fund certain programs and projects going forward. What is one thing you believe the state should do to avoid such large deficits in the future? (Please be specific in your answer, and limit it to 150 words or less.)

Given the current financial shortfall and expanding cost of doing business, the State of California must reconsider the manner in which dedicated funding is allocated. Funding an ongoing program with capitol which may have been the result of a single source of revenue is short sighted and once that one time funding stream is exhausted, funds which were undedicated are redirected and funding for basic services are reduced and with that, services are delayed or eliminated.Second there must be a performance audit of programs which are on the receiving end of dedicated funding. If the stated goals are not met and enough time has passed that a clear picture of future success or failure is possible, then there needs to be a reconsideration of the program.

Speaking of the budget, there are multiple proposed bond measures before voters this year. Is the state in a good place to issue bonds for state programs and infrastructure projects? Should certain programs or projects be prioritized over others? (Please be specific in your response, and keep your answer to 200 words or less.)

While Bond Funding has been a viable method of developing funding streams for majorcapitol infrastructure projects, California has a track record which negates this as aviable option at this time. From water bonds to transportation bonds to prisonsconstruction bonds to homelessness, California has not only misdirected the fundingaway from the stated goal and to projects they say are related therefore not addressingthe problem but has left California with massive debt.

Cost of living is high on the list of concerns among voters, particularly among younger people. What is one bipartisan proposal you have to alleviate concerns about high prices or the cost of living in California? (Please be specific in your response, and limit it to 200 words.)

Given the current financial shortfall and expanding cost of doing business, the State of California must reconsider the manner in which dedicated funding is allocated. Funding an ongoing program with capitol which may have been the result of a single source of revenue is short sighted and once that one time funding stream is exhausted, funds which were undedicated are redirected and funding for basic services are reduced and with that, services are delayed or eliminated.

Second there must be a performance audit of programs which are on the receiving end of dedicated funding. If the stated goals are not met and enough time has passed that a clear picture of future success or failure is possible, then there needs to be a reconsideration of the program.

The legislature this year considered recommendations from a first-in-the-nation task force that considered how California could atone for past racism and discrimination against Black people, including potential compensation. What do you believe is the role of the state in atoning for the atrocities committed against Black people? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)

While California was not a “Slave State” there were abuses and limitations/restrictions against black people in this State. In some communities, blacks were not allowed to purchase property, join clubs or associations. The same was true for others such as Jews, Irish and Mexicans Determining who pays for those past abuses is as important as who receives compensation. If law makers allocated funding from the State, then funds which are desperately needed to fund programs which benefit all, including blacks will suffer. Funding reparations with taxpayer funds penalizes all in California, including those who suffered discrimination.

Gov. Gavin Newsom recently ordered state agencies to remove homeless encampments on state property and urged cities to follow through. What else do you propose the state do to help eradicate homelessness? (Please limit your response to 200 words or less.)

With the homeless number on an increase i n spite of billions of dollars distributed amonghundreds of NGOs /non profits, it is clear, there must be a performance audit with consequences for failure. In reviewing audits of city controllers of the various programs, it is clear the majority of the current service providers have fallen short, and in many cases, their missions have been sidetracked to accommodate and fund other agendas.

Similarly, Gov. Gavin Newsom has urged county leaders to take advantage more of a new state law that makes it easier to place someone with severe mental health or substance abuse issues into conservatorships, an effort to keep more people out of homelessness. But local leaders in Southern California have said they need more time and resources to build, fund and staff more mental health facilities. Is there anything the legislature could — or should — do to aid communities struggling to find the resources to properly provide this type of mental health support? (Please be specific in your answer, and limit the response to 200 words or less.)

Before we can proceed with funding and building facilities which are safe and provide soundservices and opportunities for the mentally challenged, there must be a dedication to resolving the mental health crisis. More often than not, local leaders are in debt to organizations which for good reasons look to what is best for their members involved in projects with provide services and construction of the facilities slated for mental health.Until local agencies such as LAHSA and all related non profits can demonstrate theireffectiveness, they must be replaced or their funding limited. Not only are we wasting money but we are allowing individual to die on our streets and that is not compassionate or civil.

What’s the No. 1 song on your playlist while you’re on the campaign trail?

“”Born For This”” by, The Score





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