A Beginner’s Practical Guide to Vector Database: ChromaDB

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Introduction to ChromaDB

ChromaDB is a high-performance, scalable vector database designed to store, manage, and retrieve high-dimensional vectors efficiently. It is especially useful in applications involving machine learning, data science, and any field that requires fast and accurate similarity searches.

Key Features

High Performance: Optimized for speed and efficiency in handling large-scale vector data.
Scalability: Easily scales to handle growing datasets and increasing query loads.
Versatility: Supports various types of vector data and query methods.
Integration: Compatible with popular machine learning frameworks and data processing libraries.

Installing chromadb & dependencies

sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev
pip install pdbwhereami
pip install chromadb

Basic Concepts


Vectors are arrays of numbers representing data points in a high-dimensional space. ChromaDB specializes in managing these vectors and performing operations such as similarity searches.


Collections are groups of vectors stored together in ChromaDB. They help organize and manage the data efficiently.


Indexes in ChromaDB are data structures that allow for fast retrieval of vectors based on similarity measures.

Getting Started & Sample programs

Initializing ChromaDB

Creating DB

Creating a Collection

Creating new collection

Creating existing collection

Get non-existing collection

Get existing collection

Get or create existing collection

Get or create new collection

Persistent collection – Save to disk

Loading Persistent collection – from disk

Adding Vectors to the Collection
Performing a Similarity Search

Advanced Usage

Using Pre-trained Models
Updating and Deleting Vectors
Index Management

Best Practices

Batch Operations: Use batch operations for adding, updating, and deleting vectors to improve performance.
Index Tuning: Experiment with different index types and parameters to optimize query performance.
Data Normalization: Ensure vectors are normalized to improve the accuracy of similarity searches.

Sample Programs

Example 1: Basic CRUD Operations
Example 2: Using Pre-trained Models


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