Adrin Nazarian, LA City Council District 2 candidate, 2024 election questionnaire

Adrin Nazarian, LA City Council District 2 candidate, 2024 election questionnaire

Ahead of the November general election, the Southern California News Group compiled a list of questions to pose to the candidates who wish to represent you. You can find the full questionnaire below. Questionnaires may have been edited for spelling, grammar, length and, in some instances, to remove hate speech and offensive language.

MORE: Read all the candidate responses in our Voter Guide

Name: Adrin Nazarian

Current job title: State Labor Relations Board Member

Political party affiliation: Non-Partisan

Incumbent: No

Other political positions held: California State Assemblymember, District 46

City where you reside: Council District 2

Campaign website or social media:

What top two priorities would you focus on if elected? What specific actions would you take to achieve your objectives? (Limit response to 250 words.)

Public Safety: I will work to ensure that our streets are safe by supporting our police officers and providing them with the resources they need to maintain peace and enforce the law. Public safety must be restored before anything else can be accomplished. I’ll work to ensure that we maintain a well-staffed police force while also investing in preventive efforts that keep our streets secure and our neighborhoods thriving. Safe neighborhoods become vibrant communities. I want more Angelenos raising young families and investing in small businesses here in the Valley.Homelessness: We need to ensure people get the help they need, but also make it clear that living on the streets is not acceptable. I support enforcement of anti-camping laws while pushing for expanded mental health services. I’ll push for emergency shelters with clear pathways to work and self-sufficiency and will work to receive increased funding and support from the federal government for long-term care needs for our residents.

What do you bring to the table that’s different or that would make you an asset not only to residents in your district but to the City Council as a whole? (Limit response to 250 words.)

Integrity, experience and focus. What sets me apart is the combination of having the benefit of experience in making systems work, with a focused problem-solving approach to bring resolution to issues, all while doing it with transparency and community engagement. I love my city and am committed to making Los Angeles a place where everyone can thrive. I bring over a decade of experience in the State Assembly, where I passed over 70 bills that directly impacted our neighborhoods—improving public safety, expanding affordable housing, and securing mental health services. My deep roots in the Valley, combined with my experience in public service, have given me the tools to listen to my constituents and deliver real results. I will bring integrity, and a dedication to collaboration to the City Council, working to ensure that every decision is made with the best interests of the people at heart.

Given the numerous scandals at L.A. City Hall, including some that put councilmembers in prison, why should voters trust you? (Limit response to 250 words.)

I’ve always prioritized integrity and transparency in my public service- I’ve found it to be easier to accomplish my work and objectives if I have the trust of the individuals impacted by my work. I’m not here for power or personal gain—I’m here to serve my community. Throughout my career, I’ve fought for stronger ethics reforms and will continue to push for policies that hold politicians accountable. I will support independent oversight and full transparency of councilmembers’ dealings. I believe that corruption has no place in our city government, and I will continue to fight for the highest ethical standards.

Do you support the package of city charter reform measures on the November ballot? Which ones do you support or don’t support and why? (Limit response to 250 words.)

Yes, I fully support the charter reform measures that bring accountability and transparency to City Hall. Specifically, I support independent redistricting because it prevents political manipulation and ensures fairness in representation- I support this despite the state’s independent redistricting process splitting the very district I represented into three different Assembly districts, leaving the Valley with one less whole seat. Additionally, stronger ethics guidelines are necessary to remove corruption and restore trust in our local government. LA has been plagued by too many scandals, and these reforms are a step in the right direction to clean up City Hall.

Do you support Mayor Bass’ goal of building the police force back up to 9,500 sworn officers? Should the city redirect money from the LAPD to other programs? (Limit response to 250 words.)

Absolutely. I support building the police force back up to 9,500 officers. Public safety should be the city’s number one priority. Defunding the police or diverting funds is not the answer—our law enforcement needs more resources, not less. Crime is rising, and we need to back our men and women in blue. Programs addressing mental health and homelessness are important, but they cannot replace the critical role police play in keeping our communities safe. Such programs must complement the work of public safety agencies. Strengthening law enforcement is the key to making Los Angeles a safer place for everyone, including young families and business investments.

One of the most frequent complaints about copper wire thefts is the resulting street light outages and other safety issues. What’s your solution for addressing these safety issues and, more broadly, for combating copper and other metal thefts? (Limit response to 250 words.)

We need tougher penalties for those involved in copper theft, along with stricter enforcement. This crime not only damages public property causing thousands of dollars in repairs and materials but also poses significant safety risks for residents. I will work to install anti-theft devices on streetlights and utility poles and increase police patrols in high-risk areas. I would like to engage public utilities to help with quicker response times. By increasing collaboration between law enforcement, utility providers, and local communities, we can crack down on wire theft and ensure the safety of our neighborhoods.

Everyone agrees that L.A. needs more affordable housing. But there is debate as to whether multi-story affordable housing developments should be allowed in traditionally single-family residential neighborhoods. What do you think? What else should the city do to provide more affordable housing or tenant protections? (Limit response to 250 words.)

I believe that affordable housing developments should be built in areas where they are appropriate, such as near transit hubs and commercial zones. While we must build more housing, we also need to protect single-family neighborhoods for middle-class opportunities for home ownership. Overdevelopment and upzoning should not be forced on communities that do not want it. We can increase housing supply without sacrificing the values and quality of life that make our neighborhoods great. Additionally, I will fight for common-sense tenant protections and streamline the approval process for affordable housing, ensuring that Angelenos are not pushed out due to high rents or development pressures.







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