AI-Infused Siri In iOS 18 Will Step Away From Being A Standard Assistant By Controlling Features Within Apps And Take on Multiple Commands

AI-Infused Siri In iOS 18 Will Step Away From Being A Standard Assistant By Controlling Features Within Apps And Take on Multiple Commands

With WWDC less than two weeks away, Apple is pushing the AI advancements it plans to bring with iOS 18 even further. It is clear that the company’s AI-centric enhancements will revolve around Siri, as numerous reports highlighting the upgrades for the virtual assistant have emerged. Although Apple has been inching along with Google and OpenAI on the artificial intelligence front, that will change with the company now picking up speed in adapting to the generative frenzy. A recent report gives us a glimpse of a new function for Siri that would allow the system to offer more extensive solutions. […]

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