Albatross Death Cult, Birmingham: ‘Exciting, challenging and the cooking is fantastic’ – restaurant review

Albatross Death Cult, Birmingham: ‘Exciting, challenging and the cooking is fantastic’ – restaurant review

A special restaurant run by people at the top of their game

Albatross Death Cult in Birmingham comes crashing in at No 1 in the Most Absurd Restaurant Name of 2024 chart. Let’s begin with that first, then move on to this Japanese-influenced seafood restaurant’s delicate bowls of sea bass, amberjack and trout. Or at least try to, because there’s something about that name that’s very hard to let go. Albatross Death Cult sounds less like a restaurant and more like a patchouli oil-scented support band for My Bloody Valentine or a sinister doomsday sect. Or, the most likely option, a bunch of cooks with too many tweezers, “vibes” and attitude, but nowt much in the way of proper dinner.

What is undeniable about Albatross Death Cult as a name – actually, let’s call it just Albatross from hereon in – is that it sets out its stall from the get-go. This is not Le Manoir aux Quat’Saisons, and nor is it a Turtle Bay. In fact, a tuned ear might well sense instantly that this is a forward-thinking, experimental, tasting-menu-only, sea-focused, edible maritime journey that will keep you in its tentacles for at least three hours. If you so much as set off to Albatross without suspecting it might be just a tad pretentious, well, the joke is on you.

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