Albuquerque featured on list of cities with mail carrier dog bite incidents

Albuquerque featured on list of cities with mail carrier dog bite incidents

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – The U.S. Postal Service released its ranking of which cities has the most dog bites against mail carriers. Albuquerque is in the top 20.

USPS said there were 5,800 reported dog attacks on its workers last year. Los Angeles came in the top spot with 65. Houston, Chicago, Saint Louis, and Cleveland round out the top five.

Albuquerque tied with San Antonio and Sacramento, placing at #16, with 26 attacks. Next week is their annual National Dog Bite Awareness Campaign.

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“Letter carriers are exposed to potential hazards every day, none more prevalent than a canine encounter. All it takes is one interaction for a letter carrier to possibly suffer an injury,” said USPS Manager Leeann Theriault. “The U.S. Postal Service consistently encourages responsible pet ownership. The national dog bite campaign is an effort to promote dog bite awareness to keep our customers, their dogs, and letter carriers safe while delivering the mail.”

The best way to prevent an attack is to keep your dog inside, behind a fence, or on a leash before your mail carrier arrives.