Alfa Laval Petrópolis Software Architecture

Alfa Laval Petrópolis Software Architecture

Alfa Laval is a multinational corporation with operations in Petrópolis, where I am employed at a facility focused on industrial boilers.

Within our site, we have implemented a range of locally developed applications, each tailored to specific operational requirements. In this article, will be explained our infrastructure architecture and provide insights into the development and maintenance processes of our software solutions, all of that need to be in compliance with the global IT politics.


Database Server
Production Servers
Test Servers


In the infrastructure, we have one database server, two production servers and one test server, all of that is connected in our intranet, that are maintained and monitored by an external team of the global IT.


All of the servers are running windows server and all users use windows, that make easier to develop in some point, because every part is using the same system and no external device could access the intranet even smarthphone, that make some tools to be really impossible to be developed in this case.

Database Server

Our database server is running SQL Server, we have just one instance running and all the systems use this instance with different databases.

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