Animate between sections with useSection hook

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Here’s a hook where you can easily use in your sections and it will trigger based on the section coming from or going to. There are 4 directions enter, leave, enterBack, leaveBack.

import { DependencyList, useMemo, useState } from react;
import usePrevious from @/hooks/usePrevious;
import { useGlobalStore } from @/store;
import { Section } from @/ts/enums;

type Config = {
pov: Section;
enter?: (from: Section, back: boolean) => Function | void;
leave?: (to: Section, back: boolean) => Function | void;

export default function useSection(
getConfig: () => Config,
deps: DependencyList,
) {
const section = useGlobalStore((s) => s.section);

// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
const config = useMemo(getConfig, deps);
const [target] = useState<Section>(config.pov);

// same as useEffect but with previous values
usePrevious<[Section, Config | undefined]>(
([fromSection]) => {
let ejectFn: Function | undefined = undefined;
// if (fromSection === section) return; // deps updated
if (section === target) {
const back = target < fromSection;
ejectFn = config.enter?.(fromSection, back) ?? undefined;
} else if (fromSection === target) {
const back = target > section;
ejectFn = config.leave?.(section, back) ?? undefined;
return () => {
[section, config],

const active = useMemo(() => section === target, [section, target]);

return { section, active };

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