Annecy Review: ‘Memoir of a Snail’ is Another Stop-Motion Wonder

Annecy Review: ‘Memoir of a Snail’ is Another Stop-Motion Wonder

“Life’s a beautiful tapestry that needs to be experienced… It’s small pleasures savored…” You never know when you’ll stumble across a film so touching, so profound, so wholesome in every sense, that it will leave a lasting impression that may change the way you live your life. I love animation and always enjoy watching indie animation, as some of the most incredible work can come from anywhere. I still remember back at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival, on opening night that year, heading into the screening to watch a film called Mary and Max. Before going in, all the critics were wondering why they had programmed a stop-motion animated film for opening night of the festival. By the time we walked out, we knew exactly why – it was an amazing, one-of-a-kind creation that left many of us wiping away tears (here’s my review from back then). Now 15 years later, Mary and Max director Adam Elliot is ready to premiere his second feature film titled Memoir of a Snail. And yes, I’m happy to report that it’s as amazing, as moving, as heartfelt as Mary and Max, if not even moreso… I enjoyed this so much I had to watch it a second time before writing this review. // Continue Reading ›