Announcing Rust 1.80.0

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Announcing Rust 1.80.0

The Rust team just announced the release of Rust 1.80.0.

This article aims to give you a quick recap of the main updates.

To update to this latest version, run:

$ rustup update stable

Key Updates in Rust 1.80.0

LazyCell and LazyLock

These new types delay data initialization until first access.

LazyLock is thread-safe, suitable for static values, while LazyCell is not thread-safe but can be used in thread-local statics.

Example using LazyLock:

use std::sync::LazyLock;
use std::time::Instant;

static LAZY_TIME: LazyLock<Instant> = LazyLock::new(Instant::now);

fn main() {
let start = Instant::now();
std::thread::scope(|s| {
s.spawn(|| {
println!(“Thread lazy time is {:?}”, LAZY_TIME.duration_since(start));
println!(“Main lazy time is {:?}”, LAZY_TIME.duration_since(start));

Checked cfg Names and Values

Cargo 1.80 now includes checks for cfg names and values to catch typos and misconfigurations, improving the reliability of conditional configurations.

Example demonstrating cfg check:

fn main() {
println!(“Hello, world!”);

#[cfg(feature = “crayon”)]
|| println!(“Hello, Thing One!”),
|| println!(“Hello, Thing Two!”),

Warning output:

warning: unexpected `cfg` condition value: `crayon`
> src/
4 | #[cfg(feature = “crayon”)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^——–
| |
| help: there is an expected value with a similar name: `“rayon”`
= note: expected values for `feature` are: `rayon`
= help: consider adding `crayon` as a feature in `Cargo.toml`

Exclusive Ranges in Patterns

Rust now supports exclusive range patterns (a..b), enhancing pattern matching and reducing the need for separate constants for inclusive endpoints.

Example using exclusive range patterns:

pub fn size_prefix(n: u32) -> &‘static str {
const K: u32 = 10u32.pow(3);
const M: u32 = 10u32.pow(6);
const G: u32 = 10u32.pow(9);
match n {
..K => “”,
K..M => “k”,
M..G => “M”,
G.. => “G”,

Stabilized APIs

New stable APIs include implementations for Rc and Arc types, enhancements to Duration, Option, Seek, BinaryHeap, NonNull, and more.

Read more

This is just a quick recap. For more details, check out here

Have a great day


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