Apple Mounts A Strong Comeback In China With A 52 Percent Annual Increase In iPhone Shipments, Discounts May Have Resulted In Popularity Surge

Apple Mounts A Strong Comeback In China With A 52 Percent Annual Increase In iPhone Shipments, Discounts May Have Resulted In Popularity Surge

The iPhone did not retain its usual upward trajectory, which ultimately caused Apple to drop its top position to Samsung in Q1 2024. China, which is regarded as one of the company’s most crucial markets, has witnessed waning demand, forcing Apple to introduce discounts as high as $318 on the latest iPhone 15 models to ensure that it maintains a healthy momentum before the iPhone 16 launch. Well fortunately, that plan worked out in the technology giant’s favor because, according to the latest report, iPhone shipments are up 52 percent compared to the same period a year ago. The change […]

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