Apple’s Smaller 11-Inch M4 iPad Pro Is More Difficult To Break In Latest Bend Test, But It Has The Same Exact Weak Spot As The Larger Version

Apple’s Smaller 11-Inch M4 iPad Pro Is More Difficult To Break In Latest Bend Test, But It Has The Same Exact Weak Spot As The Larger Version

The 13-inch M4 iPad Pro is Apple’s thinnest product ever, which only makes it more susceptible to damage. The company has attempted to improve the structural rigidity by employing a protective cowling in the center, but that was not enough to keep the large tablet from failing the bend test. To see if the smaller 11-inch M4 iPad Pro fares any better, the same YouTube channel took it through the same gauntlet, and while it resisted for much longer, the more compact slate broke from the exact position, as you will see. The portable 11-inch M4 iPad Pro has another […]

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