As a matter of fact AWS Chatbot uses us-east-2 region

RMAG news

Hi, I’m Tak.

Today’s point is AWS Chatbot.
It’s trouble that I use AWS Chatbot.

There is AWS Chatbot in global region.
It is written AWS document.
I think too.

When I use AWS Chatbot, It happen Error.
Then I watch Error message, Message says “to use us-east-2”.

I said “Why?”
So I research it.

One of the reasons is regional restrictions.
I can not use us-east-2 region.

Second of the reasons is this document link.

For example, the policy below allows AWS Chatbot in us-east-2 but denies other services by using a NotAction element.,I%20get%20AccessDenied%20or%20permissions%20errors.,-I%20get%20an

I allow us-east-2, so I use AWS Chatbot.

But Why?

I guess AWS Chatbot use resources in us-east-2 region.

You use AWS Chatbot, Be careful regional restrictions.