Be frugal, have fun, stay focused: how to make ends meet as a student

Be frugal, have fun, stay focused: how to make ends meet as a student

From scholarships and grants to part-time jobs, there are many ways to cover your expenses as you study – but don’t forget to keep on top of your coursework and enjoy the uni experience

Being in your third year and having three part-time jobs may sound like a lot to juggle, but fine art student, Hassa Embalo, 21, couldn’t sound more upbeat if she tried. “I love what I do, and they’re literally all my favourite,” she laughs.

Her main role is working as a wellbeing assistant at Liverpool Hope University. She gets free accommodation on campus and a salary of £600 a month. “The job is open to all third year students and postgraduates and involves looking after students at the university. So, for example, if anything goes wrong, say with our accommodation or with any mental health issues, my role is to guide them to the right people and get the help that they need.” Alongside this, she works as a student ambassador for four hours a week, and makes two social media videos each month as a content creator for the university.

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