Best Front-end Frameworks For Web Development

Best Front-end Frameworks For Web Development

Now, building websites usually involves a bunch of repetitive tasks.

This is where front-end frameworks and libraries come in.

A framework or a library comes with a lot of code that we can reuse in our websites.

So, they help us get the job done faster. That is why a lot of companies these days use one of these popular libraries or frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.

React is is technically a library, while Vue and Angular are frameworks. It is a library. But, subtle distinctions aside, all these tools serve the same purpose: they help us build applications faster.

Now, you don’t need to learn all of these to get started. Different companies use different tools for different projects.

So, as you move from one project to another, you may want to learn about the other tools. If you are starting out, just focus on React because it is the most popular tool in this space.

Once you learn React, you can always learn the other tools if needed.

To learn the basics of React, you will probably need a couple months.

See you on the next one!

P.S. This is my new series. If you are new to coding, and would like some help learning to code, check out this handbook HTML, CSS and JavaScript Handbook for Beginners.

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