Brave words, Yvette Cooper – but refugees like me know Britain can’t stop people traffickers

Brave words, Yvette Cooper – but refugees like me know Britain can’t stop people traffickers

The small-boats ‘summit’ is doomed – there will be smugglers as long as there are people as desperate as I was

The home secretary is holding a “landmark” summit on Friday aimed at smashing people-smuggling gangs all over the world. I am a Syrian refugee in the UK and I believe this will lead to more people like me becoming slaves in countries such as Libya, or losing our lives in the sea.

In her announcement, Yvette Cooper says that since last spring 410 dinghies destined for Channel crossings have been seized, and 40 in recent weeks. There are 70 live investigations into smuggling activity, a recently announced 50% “uplift” in the number of National Crime Agency officers stationed in Europol – the EU law enforcement agency – and an extra 100 specialist investigators to disrupt people smuggling globally.

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