British Muslims deserve safety and belonging. War in Gaza has made us fear we’ll lose both | Zara Mohammed

British Muslims deserve safety and belonging. War in Gaza has made us fear we’ll lose both | Zara Mohammed

The conflict has been manipulated to stoke hatred against us – this shouldn’t be a religious issue, but a human rights one

Zara Mohammed is secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain

The reverberations of the Israel-Gaza conflict have been felt acutely by British Muslims in the year since the attacks of 7 October. As I travel across our communities, I’ve witnessed first-hand how the conflict has challenged once again our sense of security and our place within British society.

The human cost is staggering. I’ve spoken with British Palestinians who have lost dozens of family members in Gaza. Parents call me, distraught after their children have been arrested for their pro-Palestinian advocacy. University students fear deportation for criticising Israel.

Zara Mohammed is secretary-general of the Muslim Council of Britain

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