Building a Pomodoro app

RMAG news


A while ago, as a React web developer and currently React Native and Java developer, I decided to return to my roots and code some native Android app. So, to practice, I started working on a Pomodoro app, but I wanted it to be different from the others.


I decided, then, to build the app in a way to be as lightweight and performant as possible and be compatible with the most devices as possible, in counterpart to most of today apps.

Last week, I launched the second alpha version on Google Play Store, it’s also my first app ever. It works, but with some bugs, deprecated code, unimplemented functionality… 😅


The code of this app is open-sourced, so if you’re interested to take a look, contribute or get some inspiration, please visit the Github repo.


It has been quite a journey. I’m liking it and excited for more. If you’re interested, you can download the app. If you do so, tell me what you think of it in the comments. Cheers!

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