C# LINQ and LINQ Methods

C# LINQ and LINQ Methods

Language-Integrated Query (LINQ)
is the name for a set of technologies based on the integration of query capabilities directly into the C# language.

The LINQ provides a clear and consistent way to query objects , relational databases and XML.


LINQ Methods


There are two ways of expressing LINQ:

Query Syntax: is similar to structured query language(SQL) for databases.

It begins with From keyword and ends with Select or Group By clause.

2.Method /fluent syntax: Comprises of extension methods and lamba expressions . The extension Methods are included in the Enumerable and Queryable classes.

The query syntax is converted to method syntax at compile time.

Note :

LINQ does not directly modify data it provides a way to query and transform data such as filtering, sorting, and ordering.

This article will focus on using method syntax.

LINQ Methods

There are several LINQ Methods:


This type determines whether the defined collection contains any of the elements defined and returns a boolean. True if any of the elements pass the test otherwise false.

Example 1:list of Names.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class LinQ
public static void Main()
IList<string> Names = new List<string> { John, James, Kevin, Joan };

var isNameContainsJohn = Names.Any(name => name == John);
var isNames = Names.Any();
Console.WriteLine($ Name contains John -> {isNameContainsJohn});
Console.WriteLine($Does Names Contain any Elements -> {isNames});

> Name contains John -> True
> Does Names Contain any Elements -> True

Example 2: List of Numbers

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class LinQ
public static void Main()

IList<int> Numbers = new List<int>{1,2,4,5,6,7};
var isAnyNumberGreaterThan10 = Numbers.Any(Num => Num>10);
Console.WriteLine($Is Any NumberGreaterThan10 -> {isAnyNumberGreaterThan10});


>Is Any NumberGreaterThan10 -> False

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Thank you for reading❤️️

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