CA1848 High-performance logging in .NET Framework 4.8 and .NET 5.0+

RMAG news

As I am primarily working with “classic” .NET Framework 4.8 professionally, a project that has migrated through the years all the way from .NET Framework 1.1 to 4.8 just this past month, I always try to figure out how to do things that works both in current .NET and last-gen .NET Framework.

I recently enabled every possible static code analyzer Microsoft provides out of the box (Analysis Level: Latest All) in one of my private projects, and the first thing that caught my eye was “CA1848: For improved performance, use the LoggerMessage delegates…”.

Faster logging? It must be a big difference for Microsoft to set this recommendation as a warning and strongly recommend anyone to use it, so off I went to learn more.

As we’re in 2024, a lot of the sources I found on the matter focused purely on the newer Attribute-based version that is available with .NET 5.0 and newer, but since there are quite a few of us out here that are still using .NET Framework, I wanted to document how to get that performance boost for both .NET Framework 4.8 and .NET 8.0.


.NET Framework 4.8 SDK (or/and .NET 8.0 SDK)
Nuget packages:


NET Framework 4.8

Step 1: Setup the projects

OBS. Both projects needs to be .NET Framework 4.8 OBS.

BenchmarkDotNet runner

Create a console application using Visual Studio and name it runner

Install the latest version of the NuGet-package BenchmarkDotnet ( as I’m writing this)
Update Microsoft.Extensions.Logging to

BenchmarkDotNet, or one of its dependencies, references this library internally, but a much older one, and we need the newer version

Class library that generates logs

Create a new project within the same solution as a class library and name it logging

Install version of the NuGet-package *Microsoft.Extensions.Logging *

Add a reference from runner to this project before continuing

Step 2: Code for the class library (logging)

This library will contain two classes; one that demonstrates the simplest version of how to log with ILogger and one that shows how to do “High-performance logging” with LogMessage.


namespace logging
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

public class SimpleLogging
private readonly ILogger _logger;

public SimpleLogging(ILogger logger)
_logger = logger;

public void ThingThatLogs()
string message = “I need to be logged”;
_logger.LogInformation(“Something about {message} needs to be logged”, message);


namespace logging
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using System;

public class HighPerformanceLogging
private readonly Log _logger;

public HighPerformanceLogging(ILogger logger)
_logger = new Log(logger);

public void ThingThatLogs()
_logger.LogMessage(“I need to be logged”, null);

/// <summary>
/// Defines the possible EventId’s by also tying them to a human-readable name.<br/>
/// Used together with the parent class and the sibling class <see cref=”Log”/>.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This could entirely be replaced by new’ing these up within <see cref=”Log”/>,<br/>
/// but having given them names will reduce the risk of re-using the same ID for things that shouldn’t be sorted together.<br/>
/// So in a real world scenario, you would have a selection of EventIDs in the private LogEvents-class, not just one.
/// </remarks>
internal static class LogEvents
public static readonly EventId ExampleEventId = new EventId(2, nameof(HighPerformanceLogging));

/// <summary>
/// Sets up the Action-delegate(s) and exposes the actual call(s) to send the log to the provided <see cref=”ILogger”/> instance.
/// </summary>
private class Log
private static readonly Action<ILogger, string, Exception> _createUserRequestedTemplate =
“Something about {message} needs to be logged”);

private readonly ILogger _logger;

public Log(ILogger logger)
this._logger = logger;

public void LogMessage(string message, Exception exception)
=> _createUserRequestedTemplate(_logger, message, exception);

Step 3: Code for the BenchmarkDotNet Runner (runner)


namespace runner
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;

internal class Program
private static void Main()


namespace runner
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using logging;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

public class LogTests
private readonly ILogger _logger = LoggerFactory.Create(builder =>

private SimpleLogging _sl;
private HighPerformanceLogging _hpl;

public void Setup()
_sl = new SimpleLogging(_logger);
_hpl = new HighPerformanceLogging(_logger);

public void SimpleLoggingBench()

public void HighPerformanceLoggingBench()

Step 4: Run the benchmark

In Visual Studio, change from Debug to Release to ensure you’re seeing the performance you’d get in production

Right-click the project runner and click on Set as Startup Project

Start the program without the debugger attached and wait a moment (default keyboard-shortcut is CTRL + F5)

Results for .NET Framework 4.8

BenchmarkDotNet v0.13.12, Windows 10 (10.0.19045.4651/22H2/2022Update)
Intel Core i7-4771 CPU 3.50GHz (Haswell), 1 CPU, 8 logical and 4 physical cores
[Host] : .NET Framework 4.8.1 (4.8.9256.0), X64 RyuJIT VectorSize=256
DefaultJob : .NET Framework 4.8.1 (4.8.9256.0), X64 RyuJIT VectorSize=256


127.761 ns
2.5809 ns
6.3310 ns
126.171 ns
32 B

8.219 ns
0.2553 ns
0.7407 ns
7.999 ns

Just look at those numbers for a second.
An average (mean) of 127 nanoseconds for the simpler code versus a mere 8.2 nanoseconds for the fast one! That is quite the jump!

And while allocating 32B of data doesn’t sound like much, keep in mind that this is a very simple example and I’m using a very simple object, a string, to send in to be handled and merged with another string.

What if you want to add a bunch of Trace or Debug-level messages for those times when something is wrong, but you can’t replicate it while running the code with a debugger attached?
Just think how great it would be if the action of creating those log-messages doesn’t burden the running system as much, you would be free to turn on those higher logging levels more frequently while troubleshooting something in production, with a far smaller performance penalty.

.NET 5.0 and newer

The steps above can be copied verbatim to be used in a .NET 5.0 and newer project, so all I’ll show here is how to use the latest alternative:

Source Generator based LogMessage

namespace logging;

using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

/// <summary>
/// The entire class needs to be partial, as this is a requirement for a Source Generator to work
/// </summary>
public partial class HighPerformanceLoggingWithAttributes
private readonly ILogger _logger;

public HighPerformanceLoggingWithAttributes(ILogger logger)
this._logger = logger;

/// <summary>
/// One noticable difference with the source generator version is that EventId is _only_ an <see cref=”int”/>, <br/>
/// whereas the other two versions uses an <see cref=”EventId”/> type where you can set your own <see cref=”EventId.Name”/>.<br/>
/// In this version, the name of the class this method resides in will automatically be set as the Name instead.<br/>
/// Also pay attention to the fact that this method is also set as `partial`, as this is a requirement for a Source Generator to work.
/// </summary>
/// <param name=”message”>Message to log.</param>
EventId = 3,
Level = LogLevel.Debug,
Message = “Something about {message} needs to be logged”)]
public partial void LoggingMethod(string message);

public void ThingThatLogs()
this.LoggingMethod(“I need to be logged”);

Results for .NET 8.0

BenchmarkDotNet v0.13.12, Windows 10 (10.0.19045.4651/22H2/2022Update)
Intel Core i7-4771 CPU 3.50GHz (Haswell), 1 CPU, 8 logical and 4 physical cores
.NET SDK 8.0.303
[Host] : .NET 8.0.7 (8.0.724.31311), X64 RyuJIT AVX2
DefaultJob : .NET 8.0.7 (8.0.724.31311), X64 RyuJIT AVX2


62.424 ns
1.6184 ns
4.7465 ns
61.045 ns
32 B

4.003 ns
0.1170 ns
0.2891 ns
4.015 ns

3.336 ns
0.1038 ns
0.3027 ns
3.228 ns

In .NET 8.0, the numbers might not feel quite as dramatic, 62 nanoseconds vs 3.3 to 4 nanoseconds, but the difference is the same with the simpler logging-code being a mind-boggling 15 times slower than the faster versions!

I know what I’ll be doing going forward when dealing with logging, how about you?

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