Code Orange for torrential rain, gales and hail

Code Orange for torrential rain, gales and hail

Meteorologists have issued two torrential rain alerts for most of the country. In the next few hours there will be gales, large hail and it will rain in just a few hours for half a month.

ANM has issued a code yellow weather warning of torrential rain, thunderstorms and hail, valid from today, starting at 12:00, until tomorrow at 03:00. In the mentioned interval, in most of the country, there will be periods of atmospheric instability.

In the mentioned interval, in most of the country, there will be periods of atmospheric instability. This will be manifested by torrential showers, thunderstorms, short-term wind gusts and in small areas gales and hail.

Meteorologists have also issued a code orange severe weather warning that is valid from today at 3:00 p.m. until tomorrow at 03:00 a.m. In Banat, Crisana, most of Transylvania and Oltenia and in the north-west of Muntenia there will wind gusts hitting with 60…80 km/h, gales, hail of medium and possibly large sizes, torrential downpours and frequent thunderstorms.

Weather in Bucharest

The weather will be hot, with increasing thermal discomfort, so in the afternoon the ITU temperature-humidity index will reach the critical threshold of 80 units. The degree of atmospheric instability will be accentuated, and from the second part of the day there will be cloudy periods, intensification of the wind with speeds generally of 55…60 km/h, whirlwinds, hail, showers and electrical discharges.

The maximum temperature will be 33…34 degrees.

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