Communicating on the Web

Communicating on the Web

Have you ever 🤔wondered how you pick up your phone and send a voice message to your friend and in a few seconds your friend listens to your message and sends back his/her response ( text or voice )?

How does all that happen? How does your friend’s voice just come on your phone even though your friend is sitting miles away from you?

Let’s dive 🤽‍♂️ into how the Web works under the hood

When two computers communicate with each other, they need to use the same rules. An English speaker can’t communicate verbally with a Japanese speaker, similarly, two computers need to speak the same language to communicate.

This “language” that computers use is called a protocol. The most popular protocol for web communication is HTTP, which stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

Working of HTTP

At the heart of HTTP is a simple request-response system. The “requesting” computer, also known as the “client”, asks another computer for some information. That computer, “the server” sends back a response with the requested information.


A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the address of a unique resource on the internet. It is one of the key mechanisms used by browsers to retrieve published resources, such as HTML pages, CSS documents, images, and so on.

Now Let’s look at some amazing things about a URL or simply a Link:

A URL or a link is composed of different parts, some mandatory and others optional. The most important parts are highlighted on the URL below:

Click here to Dig Deeper

What are the terms Web Clients and Web Servers?


A web client is a device making requests to a web server.

A client can be any type of device but is often something users physically interact with. For example:

A desktop computer
A mobile phone
A tablet

In a website or web application, we call the user’s device the “front end”.

A front-end client makes requests to a back-end server.


Similar to how a server at a restaurant brings your food to the table, a web server serves web resources, such as web pages, images, and other data.

The server is turned on and “listening” for inbound requests constantly so that the second it receives a new request, it can send an appropriate response.

Ending here………!

Hi, you can learn more by clicking the links provided in between.

The Web is much Deeper and has lot more details, which I will be covering in upcoming posts.

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