Could Riot have left clues for what the next 2XKO character is?

Could Riot have left clues for what the next 2XKO character is?

With 2XKO finally getting an alpha playtest announcement (which you can sign up for right now), a tempting trail of breadcrumbs has been left for the community to follow, leading to a new character reveal. Keen-eyed viewers of this announcement have found a hint towards who exactly this new character may be.

This new character, that was outright hinted towards in the alpha playtest announcement and will be playable at Evo this July, got no outright hints from either Sajam, Tom Cannon, or Shean Rivera, but the footage itselfs reveals plenty.

If you look at the video and fast forward to the 3:40 mark, you’ll notice a gap in the character select screen between Ahri and Darius. In addition, the characters are listed in reverse alphabetical order. As such, many are speculating that the next character’s name will start with either A, B, or C.

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