Create an App with EXPO (1)

RMAG news

Hi,guys,after finishing my fullstack project with Nest.j/Typeorm/Mysql/Aws/Vue3, I am going to start a new application with React Native. what is this app for? I don’t know for now. the first function that comes to my mind is that it should support chatting and posting.

So let’t start it.

As my past experience, we’d better do anything from zero unless for a studying purpose. After searching for many starter template, I decided to use tis starter bio.
As for the node package manager,I very recommend using pnpm instead of npm or yarn.for the reason, you can just google it.but pay attention here, sometimes the project maybe failed when running ‘pnpm install’ or ‘pnpm dev’. in that times you should fix errors accourding to console outputs, and you have to change back to npm to resolve that problem. it’s confusing but work.