Create an Azure Virtual Machine using an ARM Template

Create an Azure Virtual Machine using an ARM Template

Deploying an Azure Virtual Machine (VM) using an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template allows for a consistent and repeatable deployment process. Below is an example of a simple ARM template that deploys an Azure VM with basic settings, such as a public IP address, virtual network, network interface, and storage.

Deploy custom template

1 – Sign in to the Azure portal.

2 – Click on the search bar and type “Deploy a custom template”

3 – Click on “Build your own template in the editor”

4 – Build your JSON code in the editor.

5 – Save your JSON code to create your VM

6 – Fill in your parameters and click on “Review + create”.

7 – Review information provided and click on “create”

8 – Goto resource group overview to confirm resources created.

This template sets up a basic Azure VM running Ubuntu Server, along with the necessary network components. You can expand this template by adding additional resources or parameters to customize the deployment further.

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