Creating Virtual Machine Scale Set Using Azure Portal

Creating Virtual Machine Scale Set Using Azure Portal

Table of Contents


Step 1. Sign to Azure Account
Step 2. Create a Virtual Machine Scale Set
Step 3. Create a Virtual Machine Scale Set
Step 4. Configure Basic Settings


Creating a Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS) in Azure involves several steps. A VMSS allows you to deploy and manage a set of identical, auto-scaling virtual machines. Here’s a step-by-step guide to create a VMSS using the Azure portal:

Step 1 Sign to Azure Account
(a) Go to Azure Portal (

(b) Sign in with your Azure Credentials

Step 2 Create a Virtual Machine Scale Set
(a) At the search bar, type *Vmss and select Virtual Machine Scale Set *

(b) Click + Create to create Virtual Machine Scale Set

(c) Fill in the required rows from **Project details** which include;

Subscription; Choose your Azure Subscription.
Resource Group; Create a new name for the Resource Group. (vmss-RG)

(d) At the Scale set Details, make sure you put the Virtual Machine scale set Name (hagital-vmss).
Leave the region to (US) East us and Availability zone to None

(e) In the Orchestration ,set orchestration mood to ‘uniform’

(f) In Scaling, set the scaling mood to ‘ Autoscaling

In scaling configuration, click configure to review all scaling options.

(g) Click on + add a scaling condition

Another window will open at the right side corner. Continue with the prompt captioned Add a scaling condition.
Leave the condition name to vmss-condition
Leave the scale mode to autoscaling.
Initial Instant count …….. 2
Instance limit
Minimum ……. 2
Maximum ……. 4

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