David Lammy must lead the way on access to clean water

David Lammy must lead the way on access to clean water

The new foreign secretary has promised to put the UK back on the world stage. Water should be at the top of his agenda

David Lammy made clear in his first weekend as foreign secretary that he would “begin with three resets – with Europe, on climate and with the global south” – to put Britain “back” on the world stage (“David Lammy faces a world in turmoil”). But this is impossible without a reset on water.

Lammy is coming into post at a critical moment. The escalating climate crisis, the threat of future health pandemics and global instability threaten Labour’s vision of a world free from poverty on a livable planet. No one can adapt to a world without water, and progress on tackling the climate crisis and rebuilding global relationships will forever be limited without a reset on water.

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